nemirovsky irene the fires of autumn

Nemirovsky Irene The Fires of Autumn
Nemirovsky Irene The Fires of Autumn


RUR 2605

The prequel to the bestselling Suite Francaise Paris 1918, Bernard Jacquelain returns from the trenches a changed man. The city is a whirl of decadence and corruption and he embarks on a life of parties and shady business dealings, as well as an illicit affair. But as another war threatens, everything around him starts to crumble, and the future for him and for France suddenly looks dangerously uncertain.

Nemirovsky Irene David Golder. The Ball. Snow in Autumn. The Courilof Affair
Nemirovsky Irene David Golder. The Ball. Snow in Autumn. The Courilof Affair


RUR 1814

Readers everywhere were introduced to the work of Irene Nemirovsky through the publication of her long-lost masterpiece, Suite Francaise. But Suite Francaise was only a coda to the brief yet prolific career of this remarkable novelist, for years nearly forgotten. Here in one volume are four of Nemirovsky’s other novels – all of them newly translated by the award-winning Sandra Smith, and all, except David Golder, available in English for the first time. David Golder is the book that established Nemirovsky’s reputation in France in 1929 when she was twenty-six. It is a novel about greed and loneliness, the story of an ageing Russian Jewish businessman, an exile in France, learning to confront death and the knowledge that wealth has not brought him happiness. The Ball is both a sensitive exploration of adolescence and a merciless exposure of bourgeois social pretension. Snow in Autumn is an evocative tale of White Russian emigres in Paris, while in The Courilof Affair a retired Russian revolutionary recalls an infamous assassination committed in his youth. Introduced by novelist Claire Messud, this collection offers the same mastery of narrative, clarity of language and empathetic grasp of human behaviour that would give shape to Suite Francaise.

Старый винил, WolfTyr Productions, WITCHBLOOD - Sorceress Of The Black Sun (LP , Used)
Старый винил, WolfTyr Productions, WITCHBLOOD - Sorceress Of The Black Sun (LP , Used)


RUR 6200

Каталожный номер WTP023, Формат LP , Used, Лейбл WolfTyr Productions1 Purification2 Sorceress Of The Black Sun3 Die Himmelsscheibe Von Nebra (Merseburg Zauberspruch)4 Rise Up, Destroy The Parasite (Vengeful Spell)5 We Who Worship The Sun (Externsteine)6 Fires In Fall (Fires Of Purity)7 Autumn Blood8 An Oath Sworn On Sword (Sword Wielding Witches)9 Rune In Human Form10 Awaken EuropaСтрана: СШАГод:2019Пластинка: EXОбложка: VG+Пластинка помыта ультразвуковой мойкой

Старый винил, WolfTyr Productions, WITCHBLOOD - Sorceress Of The Black Sun (LP , Used)
Старый винил, WolfTyr Productions, WITCHBLOOD - Sorceress Of The Black Sun (LP , Used)


RUR 6200

Каталожный номер WTP023, Формат LP , Used, Лейбл WolfTyr Productions1 Purification2 Sorceress Of The Black Sun3 Die Himmelsscheibe Von Nebra (Merseburg Zauberspruch)4 Rise Up, Destroy The Parasite (Vengeful Spell)5 We Who Worship The Sun (Externsteine)6 Fires In Fall (Fires Of Purity)7 Autumn Blood8 An Oath Sworn On Sword (Sword Wielding Witches)9 Rune In Human Form10 Awaken EuropaСтрана: СШАГод:2019Пластинка: EXОбложка: VG+Пластинка помыта ультразвуковой мойкой

Nemirovsky Irene The Dogs and the Wolves
Nemirovsky Irene The Dogs and the Wolves


RUR 2190

Ada grows up motherless in the Jewish pogroms of a Ukrainian city in the early years of the twentieth century. In the same city, Harry Sinner, the cosseted son of a city financier, belongs to a very different world. Eventually, in search of a brighter future, Ada moves to Paris and makes a living painting scenes from the world she has left behind. Harry Sinner also comes to Paris to mingle in exclusive circles, until one day he buys two paintings which remind him of his past and the course of Ada's life changes once more...

Nemirovsky Irene Dimanche
Nemirovsky Irene Dimanche


RUR 1914

La rue Las Cases etait tranquille comme au c?ur de l'ete, chaque fenetre ouverte abritee d'un store jaune. Les beaux jours etaient de retour ; c'etait le premier dimanche de printemps. Tiede, impatient, inquiet, il poussait les hommes hors des maisons, hors des villes. Le ciel brillait d'un tendre eclat. On entendait le chant des oiseaux dans le square Sainte-Clotilde, un doux pepiement etonne et paresseux, et, dans les rues calmes et sonores, les rauques croassements des autos qui partaient vers la campagne. Nul autre nuage au ciel qu'une petite coquille blanche, delicatement roulee, qui flotta un instant et fondit dans l'azur. I. N. Peu de livres sont plus ancres dans leur temps (de 1934 a 1942) que ce Dimanche, suite de quinze nouvelles souvent grincantes, passant de la bluette cruelle dans la maniere, plus tard, de Salinger, a la debacle de 1940. Pierre Canavaggio, Le Point.

Nemirovsky Irene Jezabel
Nemirovsky Irene Jezabel


RUR 2006

Proces d'une tres belle femme, plus tres jeune, qui ecoute dans le boxe des accuses le recit de sa propre vie : l'enfance, l'exil, l'absence du pere, le mariage, les relations houleuses avec sa fille, l'age et le declin, jusqu'a l'acte irreparable. Un huis clos qui questionne aussi la culpabilite du temps, l'erosion des sentiments et l'illusion passionnelle.

Nemirovsky Irene Deux
Nemirovsky Irene Deux


RUR 2266

Peu apres la Premiere Guerre mondiale, Marianne, la vingtaine insouciante, fille d’un peintre connu et d’une riche heritiere, rencontre Antoine, le charmeur volage. Ils deviennent amants, finissent par se marier. Elle l’aime, il ne l’aime pas, il la trompe avec sa s?ur cadette, elle se refugie dans la maternite. Au fil des ans la force des habitudes, du paraitre et de la securite deviennent le ciment du lien conjugal, « d’autant plus fort qu’il est forge dans l’hypocrisie, la contrainte […] Le mariage n’a pas besoin du personnage reel, mais de l’apparence du masque. » Deux est une anatomie du couple qui pousse loin la satire sociale et l’analyse sans concession de la passion et de son desenchantement. Un roman d’une justesse implacable, presque brutale, qui n’epargne aucune illusion. Certainement pas celles, avouees ou non, du lecteur d’aujourd’hui. Les Inrockuptibles.

Jenner Elizabeth What to Look For in Autumn
Jenner Elizabeth What to Look For in Autumn


RUR 1282

Explore the beauty of autumn in this new edition of What to Look For in Autumn. In the UK, autumn is a season of change and preparation. The air temperature starts to drop, trees change colour and the days get shorter. This book takes a closer look at hedgerow picnics, unexpected houseguests and hibernating hedgehogs as the secrets of autumn begin to appear in the world around us.

Nemirovsky Irene Suite Francaise
Nemirovsky Irene Suite Francaise


RUR 1915

In 1941, Irиne Nйmirovsky sat down to write a book that would convey the magnitude of what she was living through by evoking the domestic lives and personal trials of the ordinary citizens of France. Nйmirovsky's death in Auschwitz in 1942 prevented her from seeing the day, sixty-five years later, that the existing two sections of her planned novel sequence, Suite Franзaise, would be rediscovered and hailed as a masterpiece. Set during the year that France fell to the Nazis, Suite Franзaise falls into two parts. The first is a brilliant depiction of a group of Parisians as they flee the Nazi invasion; the second follows the inhabitants of a small rural community under occupation. Suite Franзaise is a novel that teems with wonderful characters struggling with the new regime. However, amidst the mess of defeat, and all the hypocrisy and compromise, there is hope. True nobility and love exist, but often in surprising places.

Nemirovsky Irene Le Bal
Nemirovsky Irene Le Bal


RUR 1346

Two lost masterpieces of French literature gathered together in one volume for the first time. From the author of the bestselling Suite Franзaise. Le Bal is a sharp, brittle story of a girl who sets out to ruin the mother she hates. The Kampfs have risen swiftly up the ranks of 1930s Parisian society. Painfully aware of her working-class roots, and desperate to win acceptance, Madame Kampf decides to throw a huge ball to announce her arrival to society. Her daughter Antoinette, who has just turned fourteen, dreams of attending, but Madame Kampf is resolved not to present her daughter to potential admirers. In a fury of adolescent rage and despair, Antoinette exacts a swift and horrible revenge... Snow in Autumn pays homage to Nйmirovsky's beloved Chekhov and chronicles the life of a devoted servant following her masters as they flee Revolutionary Moscow and emigrate to a life of hardship in Paris. As the crisis pushes the family to the brink of dissolution, Tatiana struggles to adapt to life in Paris and waits in vain for her cherished first snow of autumn.

Nemirovsky Irene David Golder
Nemirovsky Irene David Golder


RUR 2227

From the author of the bestselling Suite Franзaise. Translated by Sandra Smith, with an introduction by Patrick Marnham. In 1929, 26-year-old Irиne Nйmirovsky shot to fame in France with the publication of her second novel David Golder. At the time, only the most prescient would have predicted the events that led to her extraordinary final novel Suite Franзaise and her death at Auschwitz. Yet the clues are there in this astonishingly mature story of an elderly Jewish businessman who has sold his soul. Golder is a superb creation. Born into poverty on the Black Sea, he has clawed his way to fabulous wealth by speculating on gold and oil. When the novel opens, he is at work in his magnificent Parisian apartment while his wife and beloved daughter, Joyce`, spend his money at their villa in Biarritz. But Golder's security is fragile. For years he has defended his business interests from cut-throat competitors. Now his health is beginning to show the strain. As his body betrays him, so too do his wife and child, leaving him to decide which to pursue: revenge or altruism? Available for the first time since 1930, David Golder is a page-turningly chilling and brilliant portrait of the frenzied capitalism of the 1920s and a universal parable about the mirage of wealth.

Nemirovsky Irene David Golder
Nemirovsky Irene David Golder


RUR 1996

Malade, trahi et abandonne par les siens, David Golder, financier redoutable, pourrait accepter la ruine de sa banque. Mais pour sa fille Joyce, frivole et depensiere, sur laquelle il n’a d’ailleurs aucune illusion, le vieil homme decide de reconstruire son empire, et entame cet ultime combat avec une energie farouche… Paru en 1929, ce roman marquait les debuts d’une jeune romanciere d’origine russe, aussitot saluee comme un ecrivain de premier ordre. Elle devait mourir en 1942 a Auschwitz. Irene Nemirovsky est egalement l’auteur de Suite francaise, roman ecrit en 1940, reste inedit jusqu’en 2004, et couronne a titre posthume par le prix Renaudot.

Nemirovsky Irene La Proie
Nemirovsky Irene La Proie


RUR 1146

« Rien n'est plus amer que de voir de surhumains efforts donner si peu de bonheur. Il ne reste qu'une consolation possible : se dire qu'il n'y a pas de bonheur. » Paru pour la premiere fois en 1938, ce roman aux ressorts stendhaliens raconte l'ascension sociale puis la chute d'un jeune ambitieux, Jean-Luc Daguerne, dont l'amour pour sa belle le menera a sa perte. Sur cette trame eprouvee, Irene Nemirovsky fait danser les mots avec humour et se joue brillamment des passions humaines et des cruautes du sort. Mais cette Proie doit pourtant beaucoup aux annees 1930, a leur energie tragique, a tous leurs espoirs brises. C'est cette course folle vers le gouffre qui en fait sa modernite. On redecouvre avec plaisir l'oeuvre d'Irene Nemirovsky depuis la publication posthume de Suite francaise en 2004. Romanciere tres en vue du Paris des annees 1930, Irene Nemirovsky, nee a Kiev en 1903, morte a Auschwitz, a ete arretee le 13 juillet 1942 par la police francaise.

Nemirovsky Irene Chaleur du sang
Nemirovsky Irene Chaleur du sang


RUR 1222

Dans un hameau du centre de la France, au debut des annees 1930, un vieil homme, Silvio, se souvient, observant la comedie humaine des campagnes, le cours tranquille des vies paysannes brusquement secoue par la mort et les passions amoureuses. Devant lui, Francois et Helene Erard racontent leur premiere et fugitive rencontre, le mariage d'Helene avec un vieux et riche proprietaire, son veuvage, leurs retrouvailles. Lorsque leur fille Colette epouse Jean Dorin, la voie d'un bonheur tranquille semble tracee. Mais quelques mois plus tard, la noyade de Jean vient detruire la fausse quietude de ce milieu provincial. L'un apres l'autre, les lourds secrets qui unissent malgre eux les protagonistes de cette intrigue vont resurgir dans le recit de Silvio, jusqu'a une ultime et troublante revelation… Ce drame familial, entrepris des 1937, conduit comme une enquete policiere, raconte la tempete des pulsions dans le vase clos d'une societe trop lisse. Ce roman d'Irene Nemirovsky refait surface pres de soixante-dix ans apres sa composition.

Cogman Genevieve The Mortal Word
Cogman Genevieve The Mortal Word


RUR 1764

A corrupt countess. A spy in danger. And an assassin at large. Peace talks are always tricky . . . especially when a key diplomat gets stabbed. This murder rudely interrupts a top-secret summit between the warring dragons and Fae, so Librarian-spy Irene is summoned to investigate. In a version of 1890s Paris, Irene and her detective friend Vale must track down the killer – before either the peace negotiations or the city go up in flames. Accusations fly thick and fast. Irene soon finds herself in the seedy depths of the Parisian underworld on the trail of a notoriously warlike Fae, the Blood Countess. However, the evidence against the Countess is circumstantial. Could the assassin – or assassins – be closer than anyone suspects? The Mortal Word is perfect for fans of Doctor Who and Sherlock Holmes.

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